Candidate for the position of Vice President of Further Education



Oh my Ghosh! Vote for Nayo

If elected as vice president of further education I hope to introduce the following events to the existing social calander.

  • A termly social event for further education students- At the moment the further education students don't really get to mix with one another outside of their respective classes. This is such a shame because there are so many of us doing a huge variety of pathways and we could all be collaborating with each other. I would like to fix this by organising an event at the end of every term for just further educaion studetns to get to know each other better. These could range from themed activities and movie nights within the college to drinks or a meal at a nearby venue. 
  • Table Tennis Tournament-I think it would be fun to make use of the ping pong table on level 4 and organise a university wide table tennis tournament with a leaderboard. This could take place once a week over the course of the term or on a monthly basis and the winners would be awarded prizes.