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SU Elections

The Students' Union is here to represent your views so that your time studying at Ravensbourne University is a positive and enjoyable experience.
The Students' Union is here to represent your views so that your time studying at Ravensbourne University is a positive and enjoyable experience.

By being the collective voice of students, we are able to tackle pressing issues, lobby for social change and campaign on your behalf - using your views and opinions as guidance.

From December to January yearly, nominations open for the SU Elections, where you can run to be one of the two full-time paid Sabbatical Officers. Even if you’re not interested in running to be a Sabb, it’s important that you use your voice when the voting period comes around in March.

Click here to see current elections!

The Small Print

Throughout the SU election, you have to abide by our elections rules and candidate information to ensure the election is fun, free and fair.

Election rules and candidate information

If you have a complaint about a candidate or anything else relating to elections, please download and complete the complaints form and email only, with the details of your complaint . Check out our sample complaints form as a guide.

Election complaints form Sample complaints form

RSU Election Byelaws