Candidate for the position of Vice President of Screen School

Image for Konstancja Szwed

Konstancja Szwed (Erin Uberbacher)

Konstancja Szwed

'we are the future of the creative industry.' 


Hi, My name is Konstancja Szwed, and I am running for the position of Vice President of the Screen School because I believe that the silver screen is the future of the creative industries and the economy. 

I am currently producing five final major project films, in charge of 150 crew memebers in my last year here at Ravensbourne. The process of working on several projects has allowed me to have a quick turn-around time ;including answering queries and organising people, prioritising activities as well as for filling the director's vision by creating realistic goals. 

What I plan to do if elected: 

If elected I would aim to: 

Objective 1: Encourage Mind Over Matter in the Creative Industries. 

There has always been a clear link between creative industries and mental health. A total of 574 people working in the creative sector answered detailed questions about their mental health. The study found the most commonly diagnosed disorders were anxiety (36%) and depression (32%) while 60% of participants reported having had suicidal thoughts. (BBC, 2018) 

To combat the idea of taking care of your mental health is weak and I hope to try and create activities that help like: 

- Yoga on the roof in the summer. 

- Morning Meditation Session- walker space before classes.. 

- Council Groups for people going through issues: lgbt+ , seasonal affective disorder, Mourning Periods– in a free judgment environment. 

Objective 2 : Ravensbourne News Paper 

As a Creative University, it's quite odd that we don't have a newspaper and putting people talent on show. 

Every Term, the publication would include crowd funders for all 3rd-year final major projects including films, gallery showings, and hosting fashion shows. This newspaper can later have distributed possibilities via email to possible investors. It encourages all the courses to co- working together like a community. 

Objective 3 : Fresher Events for a Month 

After talking to several students, they feel very burned out and more prone to the famous fresher cold. If we encourage two events per week, it also can help more people to attend as they won't feel the pressure that it's the only week they can make friends and network. 

An example of a cheap and in Ravensbourne activity can be the drink social event which includes people choosing between 3 cups: the red cup is taken but looking for a friend, the yellow cup is it's complicated. Still, I’m open for something new, and finally, the green cup is I’m open for anything and so talk to me. 

Closing statement: 

I think these aims will have a positive impact on Ravensbourne because it focuses on taking care of the students in a way which encourages them to be the best version of themselves which can positively impact their work. 

Thank you for reading my manifesto. 

Reference: BBC News. (2018). Depression 'more common' in creative arts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Feb. 2020].